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youth ministry


24:7 Youth Ministry

is an outreach of the Perth Branch of the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community.



24:7 Youth Ministry exists to reach and equip young people to live for God -  Full on, Full time, All the time!


Mission Statement

We aim to achieve this through, operating weekly teenage youth groups, being a witness of hope, creating an environment of love & acceptance, desiring to invite youth to come and see, believing each individual has gifts to share, providing opportunities for service in ministry, living lives to the full & seeking to encounter God in our daily life!


24:7 Youth Ministry operates weekly or fortnightly youth groups and social activities for teenagers in:


Perth Locations: Armadale, Balcatta, Greenwood, Innaloo, Nedlands, Ocean Reef, Osborne Park, Rockingham, Whitfords, Woodvale & Yangebup.


Tasmania Locations: Cygnet, Devonport & Hobart.


We service Catholic Colleges and Parishes with qualified and experienced Youth Ministers. 


Through our School Ministry, Retreats and Reflection Days are provided for Catholic Primary and High Schools.


In collaboration with Youth Mission Team, four weekend iStand Retreats a year provide a wonderful opportunity for youth to build on their relationships with other teens and God.


24:7 Youth Ministry evolved from a number of initiatives working with youth from within the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community. A courageous decision to employ youth ministers Megan Proud and Martin Thorsen in 2003, saw the establishment of 24.7 which operated out of Aranmore and Sacred Heart Catholic Colleges on a weekly basis.


In 2004 the ministry moved into the Howe Street, Osborne Park premises (the home of Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community) which brought about a new era of a weekly Friday night youth group. Thanks to the efforts of successive Youth Directors Steve Proud and Mike Sandrini hundreds of teenagers have been ministered to and served.


24:7 Youth Ministry today continues to evolve and now encompasses parish and college youth groups. Combining with the work of the Youth Mission Team, 24:7 School Ministry and Acts 2 College of Mission and Evangelisation, 24:7 Youth Ministry seeks to form young people in the mind of God.




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